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Potential customers of this product are companies that have a large number of production assets (hundreds of thousands and more). The demand is even more acute when assets are incorporated in various production-technological chains and when breakage of one asset affects others. Such companies are:
Also product will be in demand by state and municipal institutions with a large number of assets. The industries listed above, in which most of the interested clients operate, closely resemble the ones for optimal asset management. However, the Asset Master Data Management System will be in demand not only when integrating the Module of Optimal Budget Allocation on Asset Maintenance and Support, but also in many other simpler cases. For example, if at any enterprise, which deals with high risks such as nuclear electro station or chemical plant, there is an ongoing integration of several subsystems of enterprise management that have different independent representations of assets:
In this situation all set of mentioned applications will not function efficiently without the System of Asset Master Data. |